This shows the wallpaper flaps cut off. Where the green tap is, is where the wallpaper came unstuck. I glued it to the dormers with Grrrip-love it.
The three pictures to left are pictures of the big walk-out dormer glued to the roof. After it dried I was not sure it was going to stay--though it did not budge. So I took 2" bias seam tape and glued it with w

See the foil!!
The next two pictures are the two dormers being glued with my favorite wood glue that is never-more.

This is the picture of the bias tape glued down. The dormer is going NO WHERE NOW!!
This is the right dormer-before bias tape.

To mark the valley shingles I put the shingle in the miter box diagonally and made a saw mark, then cut in the saw mark with an Exacto knife. You know how many to cut because you put shingle lines in pencil and can count the spaces.
Here the valley shingles are in place and match up with the shingle lines. I have a few rows of shingles on between the two dormers and it looks pretty good-forgot to take a picture. I don't think I will get the roof finished by Thanksgiving. I wanted to put the Thanksgiving dinner out I had made by Mo Tipton by Thanksgiving---now I guess it will be Christmas. I won't post again till Chateau Chanticleer is back on it's stand.
Happy Holidays to Everyone,
Kate >^..^<