Tuesday, May 6, 2008

And So The Mini House Begins!!!!!

Well, I had a wonderful Saturday at the Dallas Mini Show.
Today I cut doors in the left wall of my Big house. So now I am going to start building the house. I am so excited. I have so much stuff to put in the house, I am overwhelmed. You are suppose to paint the outside first-I am going to do it last. The electrical is going to need some heavy thinking. My brain is swirling with all the things that need to be done. I think there is going to be alot of stop and start. The inside stair halls need to be done before being put together-I don't have half the stuff for that. I need flooring, got step rug runners, lights, etc. This is why I am getting started on the house. If I wait any longer my brain will short circut. I will post pictures as I go.
Kate >^..^<

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