Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Finishing the Addition

 I did not take pictures of every action.  I guess you will have to use your imagination.  Love blue tape-but in places it did not hold well.  Patch...patch....patch !!!!  On the dry fits to the dh, it fits perfectly.  Yea !!!

 Here I am putting on Kilz.  It is important to seal the raw wood.

It is fixed now.  Will show a picture later.

Sanding off all the furbies. 

Painting it blue.
Needs two coats-of course.  After the second coat dries, the addition will be attached to the dollhouse.

Thanks for looking,
Kate >^..^<


The grandmommy said...

Thanks for reminding me to take my time and not take any shortcuts. :-)

Marisa said...

thanks for showing all the steps it's starting to look good (I hate sanding though but now I see why you have to do it)
